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Unveiling the Tech Trail: My Journey into Coding Begins


Unveiling the Tech Trail: My Journey into Coding Begins

Hey tech enthusiasts,

Picture this:

"2020, a year of professional commitment as an IT/Maintenance Manager at Landshark Bar & Grill."

Amidst the daily tech intricacies, a seed of curiosity sprouted — a fascination with the inner workings of coding.

In those early days, code was a mystery waiting to be unraveled. It intrigued me, beckoning me to delve deeper. Though my role wasn’t specifically in programming, the synergy between tech maintenance and the potential of coding sparked a fire within.

My days were filled with troubleshooting systems, managing tech operations, but there was always that itch—an undeniable curiosity about the backbone of these systems, the lines of code weaving the digital tapestry.

Looking back, 2020 wasn’t just a year of professional commitment; it was the genesis of an extraordinary journey. It laid the foundation for what would become a thrilling odyssey into the realms of programming.