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My experience at Le Wagon Bootcamp


Enquiring minds want to know

As I started searching the web for more structured learning opportunities. Something came up in my search results. It was a bootcamp called Le Wagon. I was intrigued by the name and the fact that it was a bootcamp. I had heard of bootcamps before but never really looked into them. I decided to do some research and see what I could find out about it. It did not take long though for me to stop and think thouroughly... Being from a medium class family and being myself the father of 3 kids and in full process of divorce... money was a big issue for me. And that bootcamp was not that cheap. At that time, I discovered that I will have to invest in more than MUR 100,000 just to be able to jump into it.

Victory smile to the bold...

That was a big amount for me. However, I was still determined to find a way to take the risk. I made some calls to enquire directly to what are the implications and the possibilities they would offer. I was told that I could pay in installments. However this was still not in my reach immediately. I needed to find a solution somehow. This is where this unexpected call came in. They have a new alternative...

The unexpected call

It was the 'Driver' as they call themselves since the company name was "Le Wagon" which means a Van in french. He called me to inform me that they have a new alternative. They have a new partnership with a company called "WSHOP" which is a company that is specialised in e-commerce. They were looking for a developer to join their team. And they were willing to pay for the bootcamp for the person who will be selected. The only condition was that the person should be willing to work for them for a period of 2 years after the bootcamp. I was like... "Wow! This is it! This is my chance!" I was so excited. I was like "Yes! I am in!".